Classes are charged termly and all classes must be paid for in advance.
Payments should be made immediately from the Invoice Date, on the invoice.
Please quote the Reference on all payments so they can be processed immediately. Payment plans are available upon request.
All fees are non-refundable. No refunds are made for non-attendance of students.
If you do not receive an invoice, please contact Boogie Academy.
Classes and Attendance
Boogie Academy will not be held responsible for classes cancelled for circumstances beyond Boogie Academy's control. If it is necessary to cancel a class due to adverse weather conditions / a force majeure class fees will not be refunded.
On the rare occasion that a class is cancelled, every effort will be made for it to be rescheduled or the fees already paid will be deducted from the next termly invoice.
Students must be on time to class, and be picked up on time.
Any child left unattended at the end of their class will be kept inside the locked building, but we may be unable to supervise them as the maximum-room capacities do not permit us to have an extra body in the room. Parents understand that if they are late picking their child up, their child will not be supervised and the parent takes full responsibility for their child’s safety and wellbeing should anything happen to them after their class time has ended.
No parents will be allowed to wait inside the class room whilst classes are being taught. Special exceptions may be granted at the discretion of Boogie Academy, with each exception being considered on an individual basis.
Students must arrive ready to start their class bring as little as possible with them to help minimise risks.
All students must be collected by a parent/carer or responsible adult. The teacher must be informed if persons other than the child’s parent or legal guardian will collect the child.
Uniform and Appearance
We ask all students to wear the recommended outfits for each class - shorts/leggings/joggers, t-shirt and indoor trainers. If students have danced before, you are welcome to wear jazz shoes or jazz trainers.
A bottle filled with water is recommended to ensure students are kept hydrated.
Suitable footwear is required for all classes, even during our trial sessions.
Hair should always be off the face and neckline, neat and tidy.
For safety reasons, jewellery must not be worn in lessons.
Behaviour and Etiquette
No food or drink should be brought into class with exception of a bottle filled with water.
Parents and carers are asked to ensure their children are well behaved at all times whilst getting ready for class and that siblings have an activity to occupy them, if waiting.
Students and parents/carers are expected to demonstrate mutually respectful behaviour to teaching staff, fellow students and in the building. Poor behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in the student being asked to leave. Bullying is not tolerated and should be brought to the attention of Boogie Academy immediately.
We expect all students to:
respect all teaching staff;
treat all other pupils as you would wish to be treated yourself;
come to every class with a positive attitude;
always ask for help if you need it;
consistently try your best;
wear recommended outfits and footwear;
ensure hair is neat and tidy.
Please notify Boogie Academy of any medical issues or learning difficulties that may affect your child’s learning, however big or small it should be. This can help us to help them.
Any injuries should be discussed with the teacher prior to, or at the beginning of, class.
Lost Property
Students are responsible for their own property and bring items at their own risk. Boogie Academy does not accept responsibility for any items lost or stolen.
Boogie Academy may wish to take occasional photographs or videos of our students, as indicated on the Registration Form. The use of these can include our website, social media and printed material.
Class times and venues may be subject to change - parents/carers will be notified of any changes.
Dancing is a physical activity and contains a certain amount of risk. Students taking part in any of our classes or events run by Boogie Academy do so at their own risk.
If students and/or parents break the terms and conditions, they may be asked to leave and no refund given.
Any queries and complaints should be addressed to Boogie Academy.